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What is Dot Notation in SmartSuite Formulas?

smartsuite Jun 21, 2024

There's no denying the tremendous popularity of no-code tools among businesses for automating processes and enhancing productivity. One such tool that has been garnering attention recently is SmartSuite. Its unique functionalities have proven to offer a cutting-edge solution for businesses seeking optimisation. However, a particularly daunting concept for many users is the understanding of 'Dot Notation' in SmartSuite Formulas. Fret not, this blog post aims to demystify this feature and show you how it can take your SmartSuite experience to new heights.

The Essence of Dot Notation

Dot notation in SmartSuite formulas is the secret key to unlocking various advanced functionalities. Specifically designed for SmartSuite, Dot notation doesn't exist in other no-code tools like AirTable. Instead of a roll-up field, which is more common in other platforms, SmartSuite uses a more robust formula language, courtesy to dot notation.

Dealing with Linked Records

So, what exactly does Dot notation accomplish? Essentially, it allows us to look at 'fields' within 'linked records.' It can be best understood with an example related to the 'countif' functionality of spreadsheets. In databases, counting items usually does not stipulate certain conditions. In contrast, Dot notation in SmartSuite can successfully accomplish a ‘count if’ function using the linked record field. This concept is crucial when dealing with database-driven programming languages.

If you are disturbed about not having a 'roll-up field', rest assured. SmartSuite makes things easier by using this robust formula structure.

CountIf and AverageIf – an In-depth View

Now, when you wish to count the items meeting a specific condition, you can use 'countif' in dot notation. And it's pretty straightforward too - within your linked record field, look for the 'criteria,' and if it is true, then and only then, SmartSuite counts this record. Extending this to the average calculation, you use 'averageif' in dot notation. Here, you can set the criteria for ratings greater than zero and then perform the average functionality on them.

Indeed, this syntax's intricacies might seem overwhelming at first. But the more you dive into it, the more you realize its potential in bringing a whole new level of granularity in your calculations.

Learning to Embrace Dot Notation

The uniqueness of SmartSuite lies in its innovative approach to make no-code projects more flexible and efficient. And the dot notation is no different. By offering the flexibility to get involved in the detailed calculations and linked record relationships, it simply amplifies the overall user experience of the platform.

Dot notation might look like a tough nut to crack initially, but once you get the hang of it, the road to no-code success becomes significantly smoother. And remember, when the going gets tough, don't hesitate to reach out to professionals in the no-code arena. Their assistance can be monumental in helping you to smoothly navigate your way through the no-code journey.

In the meantime, keep exploring, experimenting, and innovating in your no-code journey. Embrace the power of Dot notation in SmartSuite formulas and get ready to unlock levels you cannot even fathom! It's time to make the most of your no-code tools.

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