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Syncing Airtable with Calendars

A lesser discussed Airtable feature is their ability to sync to one or more calendars. Currently, this feature is available only for Google Calendar users, although more options may become available in time.

This sync is very similar to the Airtable Sync feature that connects to another Airtable...

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Everything to Know About Airtable Pricing

Airtable's pricing structure can be a bit unusual at first glance, so in this video I break down how the paid plans in Airtable work. The first thing to address is the key concept that pricing plans are specific to each workspace, so it's possible to have many workspaces that are each on their...

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Manage Content in Airtable (and Autocreate Tasks from a Template)

As someone who leverages the power of YouTube, I know firsthand how content marketing can help grow a company. But producing content has a LOT of moving pieces and it can be difficult for a team to stay connected and on task. Fortunately, Airtable has features that make it an excellent option...

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Mastering the Basics of Airtable with 3 Quick Tips

Although Airtable looks and feels like a spreadsheet, there are some fundamental differences in how the software works. Without adjusting your thinking from spreadsheet mode to database mode, you probably won't tap the full potential of Airtable. In this video, I walk through my top three tips...

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How, when, and why to use a Junction Table in Airtable

I often get questions about how to properly structure tables inside a database. Sometimes these questions are incredibly complicated and require some very difficult architecture, but thankfully that's not the typical case! The vast majority of the time, when questions come up about...

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How to Sync Airtable with Google Contacts

One of the most popular use cases for Airtable is to build a CRM to run your business. Practically all CRMs have a table that stores CONTACT data - names, emails, phone numbers... most business requires transactions between humans (I give you this, you give me that). However, your Airtable CRM...

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