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Creating a Weekly Summary of Events

Someone in the forums recently asked about creating a weekly summary of events to be submitted in an automated email. If grabbing bulk data was possible within Zapier or Airtable automation, this would be a fairly easy thing to automate. However, bulk data isn't natively available to these...

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Organizing Job Applications and Review

Building a workflow in Airtable is an important part of creating scalable processes. One workflow that almost all growing businesses have is the need to receive and review job applications. In this video, I break down how you can create an application process using Airtable and also how to...

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Using Airtable Sync

The future is looking very bright for Airtable. Not only did they receive another round of investment at $185M this week, they also released some incredible new features. The most anticipated of these is arguably what they have dubbed Airtable Sync. This new tool gives us the ability to...

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September 2020: New Airtable Updates

Airtable has shipped some very exciting new updates for September, 2020! Check out this walkthrough as we review their new announcement and dive into the future for the software. Specifically, Airtable has focused on three new features:

  1. Blocks are now Apps and there's now a marketplace for...
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How Airtable Automations Differ from Zapier

With the new release of the Airtable Automations feature, Airtable has unlocked amazing new potential for its users. While it's still in the early stages, this feature allows us to automate from directly inside our databases, without needing to use a third-party software. But does this mean that...

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Capture Historical Data Snapshots in Airtable

The most powerful feature of Airtable is that it is a relational database. However, this very capability can often prove troublesome. More specifically, a relational database is outstanding at presenting the current state of things. However, it's not always the best fit for demonstrating...

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