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New Feature: Exploring Airtable Automations

For the past three years, I've been building my automated Airtable processes using Zapier. If you're unfamiliar with it, Zapier is a powerful tool that connects software on the internet using "If this, than that" logic. It allows you to set up processes that are governed by a set of rules. For...

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How to Automate a Booking System | Part 2 of 3

In last week's tutorial, I outlined the database structure that would support an hourly consulting agency. We mapped the steps to creating the Team, linking that with Consultations and Clients. We also outlined the steps to adding a table of Invoices so that our team members can get accurately...

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How to Build a Booking System | Part 1 of 3

Scheduling meetings is a vital part of many businesses, so it's no surprise that software like Calendly has become very popular in the online world. Calendly, a scheduling software, syncs with your personal calendar and allows others to schedule time with you if they have your personal link....

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Automating Social Media Creation (Part 2 of 2)

In this, the conclusion of my social media automation video series, I'm walking through using automation to create an image ready for social media.

Bannerbear is a fun new software that I discovered recently. The premise behind it is that you potentially waste time by creating an image based on...

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How to Structure a Social Media Database

Social media has become something that practically every business needs to leverage in order to stay competitive. When speaking with clients, it's very common for them to tell me that they reached out because of our YouTube channel. In our case, using video to help with Airtable demonstrations...

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Which is best for me: Page Designer or Formstack?

I often get asked questions about the Page Designer block in Airtable. If you need to build some reports, documents, or otherwise visualize the records in your database, you have likely explored this popular Airtable block.

But, as is true with all software, there are limitations to be...

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