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Using AND OR Formulas in Airtable

Logic Formulas are an important formula type to understand. The output of these formulas, while not very helpful in a vacuum, is often used in tandem with many other formulas. Therefore, building solid logic formulas is a vital skillset for all Airtable users.

This video showcases the two most...

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Top Keyboard Shortcuts for Airtable

Have you ever watched someone work inside a software and their fingers moved so quickly you couldn't even keep up with them? I was one of those users in Excel - in my previous life I used Excel for about 90% of my work and I was fast! Getting fast in a software isn't done by accident -...

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Using IF and SWITCH Formulas

Using formulas is a critical element of building a solid database, but they can be intimidating, especially if you're not accustomed to writing formulas in Excel or similar tools.

One of the most commonly used formulas is the IF formula. This formula checks a logical value that you've assigned....

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Build Automation Using Table Sync

Airtable Sync allows you to now connect information across multiple databases - finally! However, the sync does come with a limitation, specifically that syncing requires data to be updated in the 'source.' This means that, while you can see the data in synced table, the underlying data...

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How to Create a Script in Airtable (without knowing code)

Confession time: For as much as I love Airtable, one of the biggest things that initially drew me to the software is that it was a "no-code" platform. This fit into my skillset nicely. I understood databases and automation, but code always felt just a bit out of reach for me. So naturally, I...

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How to Map a Subscription Business

One of the most difficult parts of building a relational database is in establishing the ideal database architecture. To get the intended result, it's best to start with a mapping process to help you visualize the flow of data.

This video outlines the first steps of architecture for a...

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